The top 5 types of video content you should be creating

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With so many types of videos available to marketers today, one might wonder what videos are the most effective and bring the best result in achieving marketing goals.

Let’s discuss the top 5 types of video content you should be creating:

  1. Explainer Videos

    Explainer videos are a great way to introduce your business, products, or services to your target audience. These short videos typically use animation or motion graphics to explain complex ideas or concepts in a simple and engaging way. Explainer videos can be used on your website, social media channels, or in email marketing campaigns to educate your audience about what you offer and how you can help them.

    Read our blog post here about the best online animation makers available today.

  2. Product Videos

    Product videos are a powerful tool for showcasing your products and demonstrating their features and benefits. These videos can be used on your website’s product pages, social media channels, or in email marketing campaigns. By showing your products in action, you can help your customers understand how they work and how they can benefit from using them.

    Some examples of product videos are: 360-degree videos, lifestyle videos, unboxing videos, demo videos, walk-throughs, and so on.

    Service-based businesses can create videos to showcase the benefits and value of the service and just like product videos, service videos aim to educate and inform potential customers. For example, a service video for a consulting business might showcase the expertise and experience of the consultants, while a landscaping business might showcase the results of their work and the positive impact it has on the environment to build trust and credibility with potential customers.

  3. Customer Testimonials

    Customer testimonials are a powerful way to build trust and credibility with your target audience. By featuring satisfied customers in your videos, you can show potential customers the positive experiences others have had with your business. Customer testimonials can be used on your website, social media channels, or in email marketing campaigns to persuade potential customers to try your products or services.

    In our next blog post we’ll share some tips on creating great testimonial videos.

  4. How-to Videos

    How-to videos are a great way to educate your audience about your products or services and show them how to use them. These videos can be used on your website’s blog or knowledge base, social media channels, or in email marketing campaigns to provide valuable information to your target audience. By creating helpful how-to videos, you can position your business as an expert in your industry and build trust with your target audience.

  5. Live Videos

    Live videos are a great way to connect with your audience in real-time and create an authentic and engaging experience. Whether you’re hosting a Q&A session, a product demonstration, or a behind-the-scenes look at your business, live videos can help you connect with your audience on a personal level. Live videos can be streamed on social media channels like Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn, or on platforms like Zoom or YouTube.

    Freedom Potential specialises in events live streaming, video and AV for events, such as conferences, seminars, trade shows, product launches, concerts, book launches and other types of events. With over 18 experience in video production and events live-streaming, we are passionate about supporting small and medium-sized businesses in creating great content. We help our clients to increase ROI on their events by recording, live-streaming and repurposing content.