Smart Savings: The Impact of Pre-Production on Video Production Costs

Every business at some point utilises video production to promote its product or services. Whether you are creating Business Introduction Videos, Brand Establishment Videos, Corporate Overview Videos, Video Interviews, Lead Generation Videos, you can drastically save costs on video production with well-planned Pre-Production.

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Ten technology trends that will be changing the events industry in 2022-2023

The events industry has undergone a significant transformation in 2020 with a staggering 290% increase in virtual events hosted globally compared to the previous year. And now it is changing…

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Freedom Potential gathered local businesses for the Exponential Networking event

Last week Freedom Potential gathered local businesses for the Exponential Networking event, where everyone had a chance to showcase their business,present in front of the camera and a live audience. The evening started…

Continue ReadingFreedom Potential gathered local businesses for the Exponential Networking event